Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Hi Everybody, So sorry I haven't been around for a while again. Life can get so crazy sometimes, and other things need to take priority. After Thanksgiving, I hope to put some pictures on my blog showing you a few things I've been working on. So check back to see what's going on. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Linda

1 comment:

  1. Hi Linda,
    Clear Gesso is something that I bought not really knowing what to do with it! But it seems to put a clear coat on the watercolor so I can do some lettering. I think , though, you have a better idea with the spray coating. I do have some of that but I am too lazy to go into a well ventilated area to spray it. It gives me an instant headache but it works!!! I will just have to put on my industrial mask that I use for spray painting!
