Thursday, October 14, 2010

My Little Boy No. 2, again

Sorry about that. I accidentally clicked on publish post instead of adding image. Duh. Anyway, here's the next picture.


  1. awwww......your little zoey sure is a cutie!! i can't imagine how much work that must be to take care of this little guy until he gets full use of his back leg again........even though he can't tell you, i know he loves you for taking such great care of him!!! xox, :))
    p.s. thank you for all of the heartfelt comments you leave for me on my are such a sweetheart, linda!! xox

  2. Hi Linda! I hope your little boy is on the mend and the surgery was successful. Thank you for your comment on my blog! I am going to post an answer to your question, but wasn't sure you would see it there. I used Mica Colors- Pearl-Ex Watercolors. Hope you are having a great week. ((Big Hugs!!))

  3. What a cutie! I'm sure he really blesses your life and you take such great care of him, Linda. Thanks for visiting my blog. God bless you much~

  4. HI, Linda, thank you always for your nice comments on my blog. Wishing you a blessed Christmas with your family. Jan
