Thursday, October 14, 2010

My Little Boy

Hi Everybody,
It sure has been a while since I've posted anything. I've been going through a major block with creativity, but I think I'm starting to come out of it a little bit now. Wow, that was a long time. Anyway, I think I will tell you about "my little boy, Zoey". About 7 weeks ago, my little boy (aka my dog) had surgery for a trick knee and a torn ligament. So I have had quite a job helping him to recuperate. He is not allowed to run, jump or play, and he has to be on a short leash every time he goes out. He has a few more weeks to go to be considered fully healed, and then I have to slowly get him used to going for his daily walks a little bit at a time. I've been pretty much glued to the house taking care of this little guy, but he's worth it. His little partner, Lindsey, died last December, and both of us are still grieving over her. As strange as it may seem, I think his surgery has helped him to bond with me more now that Lindsey is gone. Anyway, here are a couple of pictures of him right after the surgery. Oops, I will place another picture in the next post.


  1. Oh, he is cute, hope he gets better soon

  2. Bless his little heart. I hope he has a swift and complete recovery! ♥

  3. Our pets are so worth our efforts - I hope he's completely healed real soon. And thanks for your comment about my cat on my blog.
